Such Fun.. Love this happy dance.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Gloria Burgess Guest on Art and Soul Radio
You are invited to tune in online at Art and Soul Radio's first show with our special guest Gloria Burgess. Gloria will share insights on her book "Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside".
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Aug 17 2009 VID00026 1
The Prosperity Tribe has been such a blessing in my life. Find out more about how you can fulfill your life more and prosper from what you love to do.
Monday, July 13, 2009
July Newsletter- Come say hello!

Wishing you a great day today!* Wow it is July already. Can you believe it? Special Invite for you: I am the featured artist at Earthenworks Gallery in Port Townsend WA On July 16th.2009 This coming Thursday!
porttownsend. Meet Me in Port Townsend between 1-5pm Earthenworks Gallery- 702 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368- 360-385-0328 I have new designs I would love to have you see in ******************
********* *** Come to the Port Gamble Art Show/fair in Kingston! July 24,25,26th Booth #21 at: Come to the park right next to the ferry at the end of NE State Highway 104 Kingston WA. Please come by and say hello to Alex Holland of HollandArts and our daughter Janelle Holland. They have beautiful copper artwork and will have some of my new designs, a kimono and more. I will be watching our granddaughter Ana, and will come in and out during that time. Hope to see you there! ************
********* ********* ********* ** Artists- this is a great site to join. Artists2Artists associated with the Art Deadline list. I am the featured artist the week of July 27th. I have written an article about how artists can promote themselves on twitter and facebook. Hope you enjoy!http://www.artists2 ************profile/Catherin eFoster ********* ********* ********* ** Learn from the best: The Prosperity Tribe is starting on July 16th. They have a special offer of only $27 to try it out. Kristin and David Morelli are the most incredible teachers of how to manifest your dreams, clear patterns and blocks that are keeping you from living your life from what you do and love the best. You can check out all the incredible gifts you will receive this month here:
1alDWO ********************* ********* ********* ** Let's connect Twitter- http://www.twitter. com/cath4art Facebook fan page: You Tube- Foster-Art- Studio/797991617 79?ref=ts com/cath4art Linkedin- Artists2Artists: http://www.artists2efoster Podcast where you can teach your classes and learn from others.:http://www.podclassprofile/Catherin eFoster .com/cath4art/ I am no expert in the social networking area, but I enjoy and expand my learning from the best:Mari Smith is considered the queen of Twitter and Facebook as far as knowing how to do it right!
* About wishing you a "great day"! My sister Ellie Lange creates special wind chimes. This is the one she created for me. Why all the grates? She said that I am always saying "Have a great day" so she made me one to go with that saying. Thank You Ellie. You can find Ellies special wind chimes at: The Playful Garden in Napa Calif. http://www.theplayf
ulgarden. PS this is a very special store! Owned by my sister Mimi Glavin She also features the artwork of my sister Susie Miller, my neice Molly Perolio and my kimonos!WOOOHOOO Mimi! This is a family affair PPS My sister Diana Higbee Reginato is also very creative as are all my siblings (family of 9!) Please go to Diana's trailer on her book " While the Wind Blows" here: html QtERC Thank you for spending time with me today. Wishing you all a great day! Catherine ARE YOU ON MY MAILING LIST: do you need to update your email or do you want to pass my newsletter on to other people? I so appreciate your support. Just go to: and let me know if you want your name added or deleted. Thank you for being in my life experience. catherine Watch my blog: Http://www.catherin e-foster. com/blog
Catherine Foster and Peace Prevails | 19689 7th Ave. NE #351 | Poulsbo, WA
Monday, June 22, 2009

The Story of how I started doing “Soul Art Energy Pattern Healings”
Testimonials on Soul Paintings:
Merging the Artist and Healer:Information on the process and cost:
*one hour healing session (value $120)
IINCLUDES: hour session (value $120) includes clearing blocks, a sketch of your soul signature sent by email to you.
2. Unmatted ready to frame 16’x20” approx. size (value $400)
3. Paid shipping of finished painting (value $25.00)
Total Value $545.00 for only $200
1.*one hour session ( value $120) includes clearing blocks etc. and me doing a sketch of what I intuitively see.
2.Finished painting 12”x16” matted 16”x20” ready for you to frame (value $500)
(Option to have a larger painting created:
18”x24” unmatted ready to frame: ( Value $1200- with this special will be $700)
24”x36” unmatted ready to frame: (Value $3600- with this special will be $3000)
3.Shipping WILL BE INCLUDED! in this special.
4.Extra Tune up session (valued at: $60)
Total Value $680 - $3780 depending on size of the finished painting.
HOW TO SET UP YOUR APPT: call Catherine 360-598-4540 and/or email to make an appt.
Payment is through Pay Pal. Directions, go to: Click on “Send Money” use my email: to send the amount above for either Package A,B, or C.Put a note with your name, address, email etc. with the payment please.
I look forward to serving you. It is a joy to do this work combining my art and healing skills.
Thank you, Catherine Foster
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Are you living at your highest potential? Is your soul calling for a deeper and more joyful experience? Are you ready to release past patterns and blocks that are keeping you from living in more abundance following your passion?
It is my joy to present for the first time a new healing method created through following my passion that I call “Soul Art Energy Patterns”.
Will this be the secret to unlocking your true passion, purpose and authentic self for living a life of abundance? I do not know the answer to that question, but am here to help guide you discover your true self.
Your soul has distinct patterns that can be compared to that of your fingerprints. I first became aware of these many years ago after my dear niece Jan passed from cancer at age 28. Her passing was a deep gift to many in my family who also experienced the power of healing energies through pure love. Through our love, Jan lived a few months longer than doctors expected. It was truly a turning point in my life as an artist and it began my search to learn more about healing energies. Many of us in my large family became healers in a variety of ways after this incredible experience.
After Jan’s death, I was having trouble understanding what had transpired and sought help. I was put under hypnosis and taken up to heaven so that I could see and feel what it was like on the other side. There I clearly saw Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha and other spiritual leaders presented to me in a physical appearance. Also there I saw people I knew who had passed and those that had not yet passed from earthly existence in patterns of colors and forms. I understood that we each have our own unique color pattern energy signatures.
I truly believe that this information has come back through me at this time to serve in my highest good in the world using both my talents as a successful artist and as a healer. My soul has been yearning to stop hiding the healer behind the artist and I am so pleased and excited to share this gift with others.
In love and joy, Catherine Foster
Artist, AIWP Ordained Minister, Usui and Shamballa Reiki Master, Expressive Arts Coach, Transitional Coach , Soul Recognition Facilitator, Energy healer, Sacred Space facilitator, Vibrational healing and more.
I just had to let you know. For the first time in months I slept through the night and awoke feeling refreshed with much less pain (discomfort) in the areas you cleared. Also I dreamt about beavers and according to Animal Speak beaver represents the opportunity to build on your dreams and to act on our dreams to make them a reality--when beaver shows up it's time for action and beaver can show you how to construct wonderful dreams. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. S
P.S. The yellow gold color has been important to me for a few years now--what this feels like to me is my personal power (plexus) and my connexion to the divine (purple) merging. And I love the bluebird of happiness.
According to Angeles Arrien, the spiral symbolizes the process of growth and evolution. It is a process of coming to the same point again and again but at a different level so that everything is seen in a new light. The result is a new perspective on issues, people and places. People involved in the spiral process have a strong need for variety, novelty and change. They dread routine and are capable of doing multiple tasks well. Creative and ingenious, they are adept at initiating and following up on projects although they may have some difficulty completing them (THAT WAS ME!). The challenge of this process is to grow and develop at different levels of awareness.
So, to me, the spiral being gold is significant to my new awareness and evolutionary change.
Sheryl Allen 206-851-7130
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Truly feeling peace within now.
I have been moving energy and breaking down my deepest blocks to abun^dance and authentic we^alth like I have never done before, and we still have a few days left in the program. One of biggest breakthroughs that I have experienced is…. Starting to do the artwork and healing work that truly fulfills me and as a result I am on my . I have started to do "Soul Pattern artwork or Soul Signatures" where I do healing over the phone with people then paint what I see as their inner patterns of color. I LOVE IT! I will write more soon about the peace I feel.
If you don’t know Kristin and David, Kristin is a self-made multimil^lionaire (by age 30) and David is an energy worker of the highest caliber who is sought after by many well-known teachers of the Law of Attraction to work with them on breaking through their blocks to we^alth. Together they are a powerful team who have made a decision to be a part of the shift from lack to abun^dance. True Abun^dance = an abun^dance that embraces mon^ey and ALL good things in life.
On our coaching call last Tuesday, Kristin and David shared with us a sneak peek of “what’s next” after the 40 Days and 40 Nights program comes to a close in a few days. It is going to be absolutely awesome because this couple is nothing short of amazing! I am so grateful for having found them and for saying “YES!” to coming under their mentorship. Stay tuned; as soon as I have the details, I’ll pass them on to you.
In the meantime, meet Kristin and David at this link:
Catherine in joy, love and peace! WOOOOOHOOOOOO
Monday, April 6, 2009
News About theWing Luke Museum Auction

Wow, life just keeps getting more and more exciting! On Sat. Fred and I went to the auction at the Harbor Convention Center in Seattle and received VIP treatment from the museum.
My Peace Prevails Kimono #13 received much attention. one of the highlights of the night was meeting our next Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and his beautiful wife Mona. What a treat! Mona reminds me of Michelle Obama and is a very gracious person. When they get to Washington DC and know what kind of space they have to work with, Mona said she would call and commission me for a Peace Prevails Kimono. I am not holding my breath, but am hopeful that one of my peace artworks will be in our countries capital.
Then on top of all that, the kimono sold well over the retail price. The new owners John Sy-Eng and Sandy Chock-Eng are part of the Wing Luke family. I got to have my picture taken with them. So when they finish painting their living room they are giving a party for us to celebrate the hanging of the Peace kimono in their home. You can see a catalog of the art at the auction here
I feel so very very honored and blessed. My dreams about getting the Peace Prevails Project out into the world is coimg true.
Artists....never give up!
Here is to a bright sunny day in the NW! Catherine
PS I was worried about my cast from my broken wrist at the auction. It turned out to be a way to start a conversation when people asked me how I broke my wrist.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
At Last.... I have the song in my mind

Dear All,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Art show opening Lawrence Gallery
The Seattle Peace Chorus exciting "2009 Peace Odyssey"
MARK YOUR CALENDAR TODAY! Attend the Seattle Peace Chorus' exciting "2009: A Peace Odyssey" Auction on Saturday, April 4, 2009, 5:00 p.m. at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 2100 Boyer Ave. E. Seattle 98112. Please join us and support our mission to "Wage Peace through Song." For more than 25 years, the Chorus has carried its message of peace and social justice around the world. We've traveled in the United States and to the former Soviet Union, Cuba, Chile and Venezuela. In 2010, the Seattle Peace Chorus takes another trip. We are considering Iran, Israel/Palestine, Nicaragua/Guatemala and New Orleans and the trip destination will be announced at the April 4th Auction. Proceeds support SPC's ongoing operating expenses and our next trip. To make online reservations, go to, or e-mail, or call 206-264-5532.
"The most beautiful experience we can have is the MYSTERIOUS; it is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science." ALbert EInstein
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The picture story of how "Gloria" the Maiden of Peace was Created 4062400&page=2
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Magic Can Happen for all of us!

I just want to share with you that it is important to never give up! Magic can come into all of our lives when we follow our hearts and stay true to ourselves.
You are personally invited to stop by and say hello this Sunday March 8th. I am proud to experience the largest showing of my artwork in a gallery over a 35+ year career. This is a monumental moment in my life and another stepping stone to manifesting my Peace Prevails Project.
Please share the information below with family, friends and people you know who love art and wine! The Sheridan Gallery is right in the middle of Oregon's fantastic wine country. (You can also see some of my artwork in the other two Lawrence galleries. Please stop by and say hello to my babies- each piece is like one of my own children that I have released out into the world to stand on their own.)
March 1- April 30, 2009
Catherine Foster, Mixed Media
Artists’ reception: Sunday, March 8, 2009 2:00-4:00 pm
This is a sample of some of the pieces in the show:
Where is the gallery? Lawrence Gallery Sheridan In the Heart of Oregon Wine Country
19700 SW Highway 18
Sheridan, OR 97378
PH: 503.843.3633
10:00am to 5:30pm daily
Artist Statement:
"My true passion is the creative process. From the moment of inspiration to the development in my mind to the actual creation, I maintain a dialogue with the artwork and my inner self. It is that special time between the spark of inspiration and the completed piece that marks both reality and the total immersion of creativity. The end product becomes a physical manifestation of this creative process that has the ability to stir something deep within us with its mysterious beauty. "
Catherine Foster- Artist and Reiki Master Healer
Friday, February 27, 2009
How to help you and the Peace Prevails Project too.

Catherine Foster
by Catherine Foster on 2/2/2009 10:29:53 AMHow to earn income selling my artwork and helping yourself , others and charities.
Peace Weavings
Hello Family and Friends,
I’m always looking for new ways to market my art or at least thinking of new ways. Art marketing can be expensive and time intensive. Artists can market their art through sites like Imagekind, email lists, social media sites, a blog, a web site, gallery shows, etc.
Since my artwork and designs help to support 4 different individuals/groups, I am always looking for more ways to help them also.
So where do artists find buyers? As Clint Watson once said, “A collector is anyone that purchases your art, whether it’s your mailman or the president of a corporation.”
How I Market My Art
I’m also working on combining my website gallery into my new blog, checking out Twitter and FriendFeed to see what that can do for marketing from a Web 2.0 social kind of thing.
So after looking at how professional bloggers promote products by affiliation on their blog, I decided to add an art affiliate program on my blog. This is the current state of the program and with time I will tweak it to see what works best.
Here’s how it works:
1. I post selected paintings of my work on my blog to sell.
2. You sell my art for me and make a commission.
A. For artwork priced between $2,000 to $6,000 you will receive 10%
B. For artwork priced between $1,000 to $1999.00 you will receive 15%
C. For artwork priced between $100-999.00 you will receive 20%
Note: There will be times where I’ll lose my mind and increase the %, so make sure you subscribe at
Be sure to click the little orange box to sign up to follow my blog so you don’t miss a chance to make some good cha-cha-change - $$. I will post images of artwork and prices on a regular basis.
How to stay connected with new artwork posted- click the RSS feed.
Here’s how to sell my art:
1. Place an image of my art on your blog or website. Write a blog post about it if you like or just tell people to email you if they are interested in buying one of my paintings.
You can also show people my website with images. Just be sure they do not purchase from this site for I will not know if it came from you or not, but it will be a great place to show current artwork available.
2. Tell people to contact you by email, phone, etc. However you want the buyer to contact you.
Here’s how someone buys my art through you:
1. If you have a committed buyer, I send you a PayPal link that you have your buyer go to and purchase a specific piece of my art.
2. As soon as the payment is cleared at PayPal, you provide me the address of the buyer and I’ll send the art to the buyer.
3. You tell me where and how you want your commission sent to you. All payouts will come from PayPal only.
4. After the 7-day “no questions asked” return policy has expired, your affiliate payout will be sent.
I will pay shipping costs on pieces of artwork. I will ship all art in a box that is closest to the size of the art. It will be bubble wrapped and packing peanuts will be used if necessary. Shipping will include insurance on the larger artworks.
Where shipping costs become excessive, alternate shipping plans can be discussed. The large kimonos require a wood box to be created. There will have to be an extra charge to make these boxes.
How refunds will work:
1. If the art is returned during the 7-day “no questions asked” time period, it must be returned in the condition it was in the photograph.
2. Shipping costs on returned art will include insurance and be paid by the buyer.
3. A full refund will be sent out from my PayPal account to the buyer.
The affiliate program is open to anyone, individuals, organizations, galleries, etc. You promote my art on your blog, website or anywhere by copying an image of the art provided on my blog. PayPal is a trusted source for financial transactions.
If you have any questions please send me an email at and use this contact form to send me an email.
“ I know that within my heart and soul that peace prevails and is spoken in many languages”
Catherine Foster
Weaving Peace Through Art

This months special for win-win and Peace Prevails Project. by Catherine Foster on 2/26/2009 9:39:15 PM
Rainbow of Peace sell them separately or as a group:
Find out how you can help earn income for yourself and/or your favorite charity by first reading the instructions at:
This months specials are the Peace Prevails Weavings in rainbow colors. Purchase one or all the colors. They are great to place near your front or back door as a reminder to be the peace you want to experience in the world. "Peace Starts with Me" is a favorite mantra of mine.
Each weaving is 11"x11" embossed with world languages of peace. Individually each piece sells for $135.00. You will receive 20% of any purchases that come through you of the Peace Weavings when you sell the artwork to family and friends. You can give your 20 % to a charity or keep it for yourself.
I give a percentage of my profits to my favorite charities: Treehouse For Kids, The Power of Hope and Seniors Making Art. You will also be helping me do more of this wonderful giving. I think it is a win-win for everyone.
Have questions? email me, Catherine by going to the contact link on my website
Be sure to print out the directions at
Do you want to earn 10% of the price of a kimono? Take a look at my artwork to check and see what is available in the Catherine Foster Art Studio. Be sure to check that it is still for sale before talking to your friends and family.
Thank you for your support. The Peace Prevails Project is something that I have been working on for over 6 years and has my heart and soul in every piece combining my passion for art and healing to serve in the world.
Catherine Foster
Learning Tools for your success:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Join my fan page to keep in touch!
I try by meditating every day and work on being grounded. While I create, I think peace, joy and love. But there are always times when it is not that easy. It is like patting ones head and rubbing the tummy at the same time.
May you be in peace today and every day.
I invite you to join my fan page on facebook. Evidently this is an easy way to stay in touch with everyone on the fan page.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Peace- in the words of Neale Donald Walsh
I hope that he does not mind me sharing, but this is on Peace and I thought it was great.
“On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that peace cannot come to this world until you are
convinced that violence will never produce it.
Hurt does not heal hurt. Violence will not bring an end
to violence. Help the world to understand this by
reacting differently, responding newly, when anger and
a need to hurt you is sent your way.
You will have such an opportunity in your life. And
probably, more than once. Do not miss the chance
to humbly send a message of love.
Love, Your Friend.... Neale Donald Walsh”
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
What does the weather do to your creativity?
I find that the snow outside creates a peaceful place for me to work. It is colder up in the studio, but if I just put more layers on I am fine. The quiet if a place of rest. I find that I can clear my head better.
Usually the month of January is a very productive month. So bring on this next storm. As long as I have light, I can paint. And then in the afternoon take a nice nap and let the intuition ring in with new ideas.
Here’s to a brand new year and brand new energy for all of us!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I love helping other artists!
For creative people , especially artists, there is great help to get you on the right track for success this 2009 year.
Take a look at the smartest Telesummit . I just went into the back to see who was talking on what day and what they are sharing with us. I am so impressed. For the artist who is really ready to fly this year, this is the help you need.
Let me know if you are going to be on the phone also for these calls.