Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Truly feeling peace within now.

Have you ever felt so fantastic-- so filled up with life-- that you just had to let out a huge “wooooo hoooo!” at the top of your lungs? Well if not, you’ve got to take a minute to read this because that is the way I’ve been living my life over the past month. I’ve participating in one of the most powerful programs to come around in years – maybe decades! It’s called “40 Days and 40 Nights with Kristin and David Morelli.” Kristin and David are founders of the radio show “Everything is Energy” and wow-wee are we making some big shifts!

I have been moving energy and breaking down my deepest blocks to abun^dance and authentic we^alth like I have never done before, and we still have a few days left in the program. One of biggest breakthroughs that I have experienced is…. Starting to do the artwork and healing work that truly fulfills me and as a result I am on my . I have started to do "Soul Pattern artwork or Soul Signatures" where I do healing over the phone with people then paint what I see as their inner patterns of color. I LOVE IT! I will write more soon about the peace I feel.

If you don’t know Kristin and David, Kristin is a self-made multimil^lionaire (by age 30) and David is an energy worker of the highest caliber who is sought after by many well-known teachers of the Law of Attraction to work with them on breaking through their blocks to we^alth. Together they are a powerful team who have made a decision to be a part of the shift from lack to abun^dance. True Abun^dance = an abun^dance that embraces mon^ey and ALL good things in life.

On our coaching call last Tuesday, Kristin and David shared with us a sneak peek of “what’s next” after the 40 Days and 40 Nights program comes to a close in a few days. It is going to be absolutely awesome because this couple is nothing short of amazing! I am so grateful for having found them and for saying “YES!” to coming under their mentorship. Stay tuned; as soon as I have the details, I’ll pass them on to you.

In the meantime, meet Kristin and David at this link: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=3039191

Catherine in joy, love and peace! WOOOOOHOOOOOO

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